"Kindaichi Case Files"
KINDAICHI CASE FILES "Kindaichi Case Files" is a Japanese mystery manga series written by Yozaburo Kanari and illustrated by Fumiya Sato. The series follows the adventures of high school student Hajime Kindaichi as he solves various puzzling crimes. In one of the cases, titled "The Santa Slayings," it is Christmas Eve and Kindaichi is attending a party at a mansion with his friends. However, things take a dark turn when one of the guests is found murdered, dressed in a Santa Claus outfit. As the night progresses, more guests are found dead in similar costumes, and it becomes clear that a serial killer is on the loose. Kindaichi uses his deductive skills and knowledge of human behavior to piece together the clues and uncover the killer's identity. Through twists and turns, Kindaichi discovers that the murderer is seeking revenge for a tragic event that occurred years ago, and that their targets were all connected to the incident. With the killer closing in on hi...